Sunday, 25 August 2013

All You've Ever Needed to Know about Anabolic Steroids

Anabolic steroids, which we typically call 'steroids' for short and 'roids' for slang, are a popular substance in the world of bodybuilding. Bodybuilders use steroids since they act like testosterone, meaning they help to quickly produce larger muscles. Steroids are a synthetic substance that is produced as a man-made product. Despite the fact that steroids are harmful when abused, they also benefit people in need of them. To learn more where to buy geneza, follow the link.

Potential Side Effects

Briefly, steroids have the capacity to make the body produce larger breasts, develop acne, decrease the size of testicles, grow new hair, and develop heart disease or sometimes cancer. As mentioned before, steroids are produced to mimic testosterone. Due to this, people who start taking steroids will begin to produce more bodily traits that are male-oriented including aggressive behavior.

With a knowledge of the side effects that come with steroids, people should stay away from them. Actually, physicians advise most people to never take steroids. Why? Because steroids are known to be addictive. When steroids are abused, the endanger one's health because of their addictive properties.

Steroids for Medical Purposes

Steroids can be ugly if a dependency develops and health problems occur, but they can also benefit people in need of them. Steroids are still being produced by drug companies since that can benefit people when used under the supervision of a physician. Below are some known uses for steroids in a medical setting.

Stimulating Appetite

Steroids are prescribed by physicians to amplify the appetites of those with digestive issues or those who can not eat enough due to a variety of other health issues. The reason they are prescribed is because steroids kick a persons hunger drive back into gear. Along with helping one's appetite, steroids will also cause the patient to develop an increased level of muscle mass. The most common afflictions that require steroid treatment are cancer and AIDS.

Steroids and Bone Marrow

Though it is no longer a common practice, steroids used to be prescribed to individuals with hypoplastic anemia. By taking steroids, the patient's bone marrow would begin producing white blood cells again. Steroid treatment is outdated and they now use new drugs. The best site to buy deca online is available when you click the link.

Steroids to Boost Libido

Some physicians will prescribe steroids to older men who have lost their sex drive since steroids act like testosterone.

Of course, steroids come with other benefits as well. However, the intent of this article was to offer a brief education on steroids so one can make an informed decision whether or not to take them. And although it is not a good idea to buy steroids on the streets and take them on your own, you might want to talk to your doctor about them if you are afflicted by any of the health issues mentioned earlier.

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